Last Name | First Name | Post Grad Institution |
Abdus-Sabur | Zaki |
Achee | Onike | Montclair State University |
Acosta | Richard | Rutgers University - New Brunswick |
Adeyinka | Daniella | Rutgers University - New Brunswick |
Agba | Odinaka | William Paterson University |
Aguilera | Nicole | Florida International University |
Alexis | Joshua |
Allen | Janae | Union County College |
Allison-Way | Hazel | Wesleyan University |
Alphonse | Emile |
Amanat | Louisa | Drew University |
Amar | Maya | Florida Atlantic University |
Amedeo | Charles |
SUNY Purchase
Amobi | Kenechukwu | University of Pittsburgh |
Anderson | Bea | SUNY Purchase |
Anderson | Eliza | School of Visual Arts |
Anderson | Taylor | New Jersey City University |
Andrasz | Madeline | University of Vermont |
Ankner | Walter | American University |
Anthony | Hannah | Northeastern University |
Armstrong | Julien |
Kean University
Arnott | Parker | Seton Hall University |
Aronin | Reese |
Auguste | Shanil | Louisiana State University |
Ayambire | Justin | WIlliam Paterson University |
Babi | Ethan | Rutgers University - New Brunswick |
Baker | Lindsay | University of Colorado Boulder |
Baluyut | Eabha | SUNY Purchase |
Bank-Walker | Sabina | SUNY Binghamton |
Baptiste | Aniyah | Rutgers University - New Brunswick |
Barrett | Ryanne | Tufts University |
Barron | Elizabeth | Rochester Institute of Technology |
Barthelemy | Buthia |
Bay | Caitlin | University of California - San Diego |
Ben-Ari | Ori | College of William & Mary |
Beneteau | Louise |
Benjamin | Daniel |
Benson | Jalen |
Benson | Kyla | Rowan University |
Berenberg | Sophie | William Paterson University |
Bernard | Thandiwe | University College Dublin |
Bethea | Zarria | Hampton University |
Betheil | Ellie | Susquehanna University |
Bongiorno | Olivia | SUNY Binghamton |
Boose | Amelia | Carnegie Mellon University |
Boyer | Aidan | University of Colorado Boulder |
Bradby | Sage | Rutgers University- New Brunswick |
Bradley | Joshua | Rutgers University - Newark |
Braham | Jodiann |
Bratter | Grace | Case Western Reserve University |
Bratter | Nola | Duquesne University |
Brice | Jaclyn |
Broncel | Xander | Vrije Universiteit - Amsterdam |
Brownstein | Amy |
Brownstein | Hannah | Gap Year - University of Michigan |
Bryant | Max | Imperial College London |
Bryant II | Jeffrey | Eckerd College |
Buckham | Cameron |
Burtt | Benjamin | SUNY Binghamton |
Byron | Moriah | Bloomfield College |
Cadet | Anksen |
Cajuste | Gaelle | Seton Hall University |
Canady | Farrod |
Canning | Jessica | Wesleyan University |
Carbonara | Helen | Pratt Institute |
Carey Jr | Anthony | Bloomfield College |
Carlson | Paige | Lehigh University |
Carlton | Samantha | University of South Carolina |
Carson | Morgan |
Carter Ali | Idris |
Castro Cortez | Jairo |
Cesaire Jr | Michel-Ange |
Chambers | Karley | Syracuse University |
Charles | Adunni | American Musical and Dramatic Academy |
Chike | Victor | Undecided |
Christian | Violet | Drexel University |
Clarke | Cecelia | Colgate University |
Clarke | Eleanor | Case Western Reserve University |
Clarke | Ivor | Wesleyan University |
Clitus | Jacqueline |
Coble | Julia | Temple University |
Cohen | Milton | University of Pittsburgh |
Collin | Jeremiah |
Condry-Power | Alice | Skidmore College |
Cotard | Jayden | Kean University |
Crosby | Maximilian | McGill University |
Cutler | Jonathan | University of Colorado Boulder |
da Silva | Brian | Northeastern University |
Dabb | Juliette | University of Rochester |
Dalce | Jonathan |
Dallison | Jasmine | Carleton University |
Daniels | Fahiym |
Daniels | Sakinah | Kent State University |
David | Alexander |
Davis | Jalen |
Davis | Janine | Albright College |
Davis | Madison | Temple University |
Dean | Emma | Ithaca College |
DeLuca | Elizabeth | University of Edinburgh |
Deutsch | Mia | University of Delaware |
Deves | Jessica Yvonne | Rutgers University - Newark |
Dio | Sesugh |
Doherty V | James | Rutgers University |
Dohman II | Sheldon | Kean University |
Donachie | Finley | Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute |
Donney | Nina | Ithaca College |
Dorielan | Anjie | Montclair State University |
Dorielan | Michaeula | Union County College |
Dorjee | Jamphel |
Dorvil | Kimberley | Albright College |
Doubek | Zachary | University of Delaware |
Douyon | Emmanuel |
Dove | Tyanna | The New School |
DuBose | Sasha | New York University |
Duncan | Adin | University of the Arts |
Dwyer | Aidan | University of Colorado Boulder |
Edwards | Rexshaun |
Elliott | Olivia | Tulane University |
Ellis | Braelynn |
English | Sainya | New York Institute of Technology |
English | Santio | Rowan University |
Erhamza | Isabella | Ringling College of Art and Design |
Erickson | Julia | University of Michigan |
Ethan | Julia | University of Maryland |
Eubanks | Nia |
Exantus | Chardege | Dean College |
Exilus | Deshawnna | Rutgers University - Newark |
Ezeokoli | Angel | U.S. Naval Academy |
Facey | Adrion | Career |
Fagan | Evan | University of Virginia |
Falconer | Daniel | SUNY Purchase |
Fanfan | Aleyah | Gap Year |
Fardin | Julia | University of Colorado Boulder |
Fastov | Jamie | University of Delaware |
Faulknor | Nicolai | Grambling State University |
Favors | Dalton | Morehouse College |
Fein | Oscar | Norwich University |
Feinberg | Alex | Skidmore College |
Fergus | Leah | Marist College |
Ferguson | Tray | Rider University |
Fils | Elijah | William Paterson University |
Fisher | Tyrese | William Paterson University |
Flambert | Marven |
Fleetwood | Samuel | Lehigh University |
Florio | Aniyah | North Carolina State University |
Flowers | Het-Heru | Rutgers University - New Brunswick |
Foley | Maura | The College of New Jersey |
Forbes | Michelle | Rutgers University - New Brunswick |
Ford | Ryan |
Fortune | Louis |
Fox | Daniel | Ithaca College |
Freedson-Jackson | Anita | Montclair State University |
Gagne | Lucy | New York University |
Gagnier | Julien | The New School |
Garcia | Isabella | Rutgers University - New Brunswick |
Gardner | Abby | Georgetown University |
Garrison | Ayane | Vassar College |
Gaudelli | Alexander | University of Central Florida |
Geraghty | Jack | Gap Year |
Gerard | Frenchesca | Winston-Salem State University |
Gertner | Benjamin | Wesleyan University |
Giles | Jeremy | Johns Hopkins University |
Glass | Jessica | Indiana University |
Glynn | Alexander | Harvard University |
Goguen-Compagnoni | Nicholas |
Goldberg | Stephanie | University of Delaware |
Goldman | Ethan | Cornell University |
Goldsmith | Shamiir |
Goldfein | Phoebe |
Gomez | Bryan | Gap Year |
Gonzalez | Antonio |
Gooden | Oneil | Fairleigh Dickinson University |
Gordon | Ellis | Rutgers University - New Brunswick |
Greene | Drew | Essex County College |
Greene | Makai |
Grew | William | Drexel University |
Grinhauz | Lily | University of Massachusetts |
Grumieaux | Hudson | Ithaca College |
Gualpa | Jacquelyn | Caldwell University |
Gulino | Chiara | New York University |
Gutierrez | Derek | Undecided |
Hack | Benedict |
Halperin | Ethan | Emerson College |
Hamant | Jack | University of Massachusetts |
Hampton | Maya | Penn State University |
Haniph | Noah | Northeastern University |
Hankey | Emma | SUNY Purchase |
Harding | Hannah | Pace University |
Harris | Gabriella | Gap Year |
Hassler | Hudson | Ithaca College |
Healy | Bryn | Mount Holyoke College |
Henry | Valentina | Florida Atlantic University |
Herbert | Dylan | Occidental College |
Herrero | Emma | Syracuse University |
Hines | Saul | Culinary Institute of America |
Hirsch | Olivia | Northeastern University |
Hodges | Kye | William Patterson University |
Holdbrook | Fredrick | Lackawanna College |
Hollenbeck | Madeleine | Elon University |
Holmes | Charlize | Rider University |
Holmes | Da'siya | Bloomfield College |
Hossain | Tarek | New Jersey Institute of Technology |
Howell | Josiah | Gap Year |
Hubscher | Riley | Northeastern University |
Huetz | Caitlyn | Rutgers University - New Brunswick |
Hugel | Dana | University of Pittsburgh |
Hume | Desiree |
Hyppolite | Medjine |
Ike | Ujunwa | Caldwell University |
Jacobson | Sophia | West Virginia University |
Jahangir | Armaan | CUNY Baruch College |
Jean Baptiste | Theresa | Inter-American U Puerto Rico |
Jin-Hendel | Annabelle | Bryn Mawr College |
Johnson | Alexander | CUNY Baruch College |
Johnson | George | University of Colorado Boulder |
Johnson | Lindsey |
Johnson | Sage | St. Joseph's College |
Johnson | Taniyah | Lincoln University |
Jolimere | Nathaniel | William Patterson University |
Jones | Archie | California Polytechnic State University |
Jones | Isabella-Marie | Rutgers University |
Jones | Jessica | Lehigh University |
Jones | Riley | Clemson University |
Joseph | Anthony | Lincoln Technical Institute |
Joseph | Joanna |
Joseph | Junior | Drew University |
Joseph | Samantha | Rutgers University - Newark |
Jules | Withney |
Kalogerou | Alexandros | Stevens Institute of Technology |
Kamen | Benjamin | Brandeis University |
Kasdan | Jacob | Syracuse University |
Kelly | Simone | Ohio State University |
Kerr | Ashantah | Montclair State University |
Kinard | Bria | Rutgers University - New Brunswick |
King | Djavan | Union County College |
Kingsley | Emma |
Koenig | Michelle | Ursinus College |
Konan | Aurianne | Florida Atlantic University |
Kone | Abdul Razak | University of Massachusetts |
Koranteng | Samuel | Montclair State University |
Korbich | Alexandra | University of Colorado Boulder |
Kosik | Connor | Worcester Polytechnic Institute |
Kovacs | Cole | Lasell University |
Krauss | Maya | Clark University |
Kremer Guha | Zubin | Yale University |
La Palerma | Gianna | St. Joseph's University |
Lackey | Erin | Elon University |
Lahey | Margaret | University of New Hampshire |
Lambert | Bryana | William Patterson |
Lawrence | Sophie | Pace University |
Leader | Kyle | Penn State University |
Leary | Jaden |
Lemonnier | Rachel | Gap Year |
Lennon | Zohlay | West Virginia University |
Leonard | Caroline | Penn State University |
Lerman | Carly | Tulane University |
Levy | Margot | Barnard College |
Levy | Samantha | Eckerd College |
Lewis | Kimberle | Emerson College |
Licata | Sofia | The New School |
Lindstrom | Jack | SUNY Cobleskill |
Lintern | Joseph | Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute |
Lipp | Cameron | New York University |
Little | Maia | Raritan Valley College |
Lord-Jones | Christian |
Lorenzo | Alfy |
Lorman | Lindsey | Penn State University |
Louis-Jacques | Schneidine | Lynn University |
Love Jr | Cahil |
Lucas | Ashley | Montclair State University |
Luey | Aiden | California Polytechnic State University |
Lustan | Zachary | Rutgers University - New Brunswick |
Lynch | Declan | University of Delaware |
Lyons Watson | Shayanna | Montclair State University |
Machado | Ariana | Rutgers University - New Brunswick |
Magny | Christopher |
Maini | Sumer | Indiana University |
Maloney | Margaret | Duquesne University |
Maloof | Daniel | Franklin and Marshall College |
Manasse | Flerisha | College of Saint Elizabeth |
Mandel | Merav |
Mann | Ethan | Gap Year |
Manns | Joshua |
Marbaix | Sarah | Ithaca College |
Marcus | Olivia | University of Maryland |
Marley | Joshua |
Martins | Marcus | American University |
Masters | Ethan | Syracuse University |
Matos-Bowles | Sabreen | Montclair State University |
McClard | Karina | Pace University |
McCourt | Clara | Northeastern University |
McDaniel | Adora |
Middlesex County College
McEwan | Ruari | McGill University |
McGuigan | Dylan |
Mehlman | Ari | New York University |
Meisels | Jonah | Kenyon College |
Menard | Nicholas | Montclair State University |
Mencarini | Lily | Bard College |
Mencarini | Sofia | Monmouth University |
Mercier | Bernilton | St. John's University |
Mesidor | Taisha | Caldwell University |
Messeri | Ethan | University of Michigan |
Miah | Sophia | Pratt Institute |
Michel | Sbradlain |
Miller | Elliot |
Miller | Georgia | Kean University |
Miller | Jordan | Savannah College of Art and Design |
Miller | Olivia | University of Wisconsin |
Mischel | Eliana | University of Delaware |
Mitchell Jr | Kenyada |
Molokwu | Brittney | New York University |
Montano | Mikayla | New York University |
Moore | Maximus | Delaware Valley University |
Moore | Phillip | McDaniel College |
Morris | Benjamin | The New School |
Mosely | Erin | Ithaca College |
Mosteiro | Megan | University of Florida |
Mozell | Francheska | New Jersey City University |
Muhammad | Ahmad |
Muhammad | Jordan | Northwestern University |
Muraco | Dominic | Montclair State University |
Murphy | Jonathan |
Murray | Anna | Northeastern University |
Muson | Oliver |
Nazhat Al Fatal | Daniah |
Nelson | Allysa | Florida Atlantic University |
Nicholas | Michael | Berklee College of Music |
Nijman | Hannah | Dean College |
Noble | Alexander | Macalester College |
Noel | Elsa | Rutgers University - New Brunswick |
Northfield | Timothy | Penn State University |
Northover | Emily |
Nwadinma | Kingsley | Bloomfield College |
O'Connell | Molly | Providence College |
O'Mara | Colin | Loyola University Maryland |
Obrzut | Liam |
Occeas | John | William Patterson University |
Ocean | Yaslee | Felicia University |
Ochs | Sierra | Syracuse University |
Offiah | Cynthia | Career |
Offiah | Jeffrey | Montclair State University |
Okafor | Onyemaechi |
Olaode | Stephen | Rutgers University |
Olitt | Tate | Tufts University |
Onyemaechi | Benedict | York College |
Orji | Ifeoma | Montclair State University |
Otto | Jayden |
Pagan | Jason | Stevens Institute of Technology |
Palumbo | Brandon | George Washington University |
Parry | Jack | University of Maryland |
Pasternak | Annie | University of Vermont |
Patton | Charles | University of Colorado Boulder |
Pauly | Declan |
Payne | Andrew | Purdue University |
Peiris | Maya | Bryn Mawr College |
Pendergrass Jr | Corey |
Perillo | Cole |
Phanor | Anaya | Kean University |
Pierre-Paul | Jethro | Western Connecticut State University |
Pierrelouis | Joshua |
Pierresaint | Gerard | Bloomfield College |
Pierson | Ainsley | Wake Forest University |
Pinkowitz | Jingmin | Ohio State University |
Powell | Quadir |
Pranger | Imogen | Oberlin College |
Prashad | Eric |
Rahmani | Frida | Purchase College Conservatory |
Raines | Jackson |
Rances | Ethan | University of Vermont |
Ratner | Abigail | University of Michigan |
Ravix | Frederica | Middlebury College |
Rednik | Sydney | Syracuse University |
Reed | Acadia | Ithaca College |
Reid | Nadira | Career |
Reininga | Emma | Coker University |
Reynolds | Omanie |
Rivera Jimenez | Devon |
Roberts | Benjamin | Drexel University |
Robins | William |
University of Vermont
Rohan | Timothy | Northeastern University |
Roman | Mya | Kean University |
Romano | Natasha | SUNY Binghamton |
Rosenberg | Poe | University of Vermont |
Rosenberg | Sari | Gap Year - University of Michigan |
Roses | Annabelle | University of Salford |
Ross | Jah'Tajah |
Rothstein | Daniella | Tufts University |
Rufolo | Julianna | Lafayette College |
Rufolo | Lara | Clemson University |
Sabin | Quincy | Virginia State University |
Sachs | Benjamin | Gap Year |
Salinardo | Claire | University of South Carolina |
Samek | Lucy | Hunter College |
Sands | Victoria | University of Maryland |
Sanjurjo | Erlinda | Penn State University |
Santana | Eudis |
Sartori | Katherine | University of Rhode Island |
Saydah | Skye | American University |
Schabacker | William | U.S. Naval Academy |
Schloff | Noah | University of Rochester |
Schmitt | Maximilian | Montclair State University |
Schwartzberg | Josie | San Diego State University |
Schwartzberg | Mylie | Mount Holyoke College |
Scott | Sharie |
Selesnick | Zoe | Rutgers University - New Brunswick |
Sharma | Kiran | George Washington University |
Shires | Nicholas | University of Washington |
Siders | Isaiah | Rider University |
Simoniello | Sofia | Gap Semester |
Sinclair | Drew | Anna Maria College |
Slade | Jakob | American University |
Slavin | Zoe | University of Maryland |
Smith | Aniyyah |
Solomon | Sarah | University of Vermont |
Soupios | Avery | Rutgers University - New Brunswick |
Spence-Dawkins | Raegh'ene | Caldwell University |
St. Pierre | William |
Stephan | Alexa | University of Maryland |
Stevens | Connor | Bloomfield College |
Stewart | Masada |
Stewart | Sanayah | Bloomfield College |
Strugger | Abigail | University of Rochester |
Sullivan | Aidan | Pratt Institute |
Sullivan | Claire | Bard College |
Sullivan | Lily | Lynn University |
Sundue | Maxwell | Berklee College of Music |
Svitavsky | Benjamin | Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute |
Tabakin | Margot | St. John's College, Santa Fe |
Taylor | Brian | University of Massachusetts |
Teitelbaum | Daniel | University of Oregon |
Temple | Jamari |
Thatcher-Keane | Phelan | Ramapo College of New Jersey |
Thenor | Joshua |
Thibodeau | Truman | Temple University |
Thompkins | Marques | William Paterson University |
Thompson | Dizay | William Paterson University |
Todd | Billie | University of Central Florida |
Toledo | Suzanne | John Jay College of Criminal Justice |
Torrente | Jacinto | Embry Riddle Aeronautical University |
Torrey | John |
Tuohy | Sara | Gap Year - University of New Hampshire |
Turi | Anthony | University of Denver |
Van Doornik | Anna | Rowan University |
Vande Vusse | Olivia | Tulane University |
Victorious | Eric | New Jersey Institute of Technology |
Vidal | Jamila | Kean University |
Vincent | Caleb | Essex County College |
Vroman | Julia | University of Pittsburgh |
Walden | Ethan | Career + Art |
Waldon | Jack | Colorado State University |
Wancique | Samson | Ramapo College |
Ward | Ashley | William Paterson University |
Weedon | Christopher |
Weir | Isobel |
Wendt | Eloise | University of Connecticut |
West | Alexander | Temple University |
West | Pearl | Gap Year |
Whelan-Small | Jesse | Hobart and William Smith Colleges |
Whipple | Atticus | West Virginia University |
White | Amori | University of Texas at Dallas |
White | Nyla | Montclair State University |
Whitehead | Chloe | Esthetician School |
Wiafe Jr | Lawrence |
Wiggins | David |
Los Angeles Recording School
Wiley | Asaad | Essex County College |
Williams | Anna | University of California - Davis |
Williams | Nia | Hampton University |
Williams | Terrel | University of Connecticut |
Wilner | Emily | George Mason University |
Wissel | Amelia | New York University |
Wolff | Avery | The New School |
Wollard | Darcy | University of Delaware |
Wolpov | Samson | Indiana University |
Wolter | Isabel | Smith College |
Woods | Jack | University of Notre Dame |
Woods-Jones | Christopher |
Wright | Nicoy |
Essex County College
Yanda | Aaron | Oberlin College |
Young | Jordan | American University |
Young | Julia | University of Surrey |
Zacker | Martina | University of Michigan |
Zelaya II | Kurt | Bloomfield College |
Zelevansky | Eva | Lim College |
Zinner | Lila | New York University |
Zubieta | Noori | Princeton University |
Zurlo | Cristina | Stony Brook University |
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